Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Tuesdays With Tatman #37

I may be a day late for National Flag of Canada Day, but that won't stop me from paying homage to my neighbor to the North (or as some people may call it- America's hat).

O Canada! You are a great country. Whether you're doing a great job of hosting the Olympics, or just circling the pond for a friendly game of hockey, you truly know how to spread brotherhood and friendship. Thanks for being so understanding of your spoiled neighbors to the South(or as some call us- Canada's pants).

Each Tuesday in the 3.0 year will bring a new Tuesday With Tatman. As a tribute to the Skull Master's astounding feat let's all get creative and try something new(and hopefully skull related).
In all seriousness, I mean no disrespect to the country of Canada in general. It's a really nice place, eh.


  1. looooove this!! BEST rendition of my flag that I've ever seen! :)

  2. C. McKenzie said:

    Take off Eh! It will probably cause a lot of flack, but I have two words for you... T-Shirt.

    PS. I'll be looking forward to seeing your future tribute on Tuesday, June 15, 2010. Which by coincidence is also one day later.

  3. Good timing with the two gold medals we just won!
    t-shirt t-shirt
