Friday, March 12, 2010

And the Shamrock Skull Shirt winner is...

Congratulations to The Struggling Writer who was the randomly selected winner of the Shamrock Skull Shirt giveaway!

Here's his winning entry:
How are skull and a shamrock the same
other than the letter beginning their name

One symbolizes luck
the other un-luck

But only a skull looks cool while aflame

As always I was blown away by how creative and clever all of your entries were and I was so glad I didn't have to try to pick a favorite, so thanks to for doing the job for me!

And thanks again to everyone for participating, just because you didn't win doesn't mean you can't get a Shamrock Skull Shirt of your own from!

And stay tuned for more contests in the near future!


  1. Awesome! Just replied to your email.

    My limerick was so weak compared to the others, but I'll take the win.


  2. I find it hilarious that someone known as the "strugglingwriter" won a limerick contest. A true testament to the randomness of the contest winner.
