Monday, March 1, 2010

[CONTEST] Win a Shamrock Skull Shirt!

Just in time for St. Patrick's Day the folks at have kindly offered to give one of their fun Skull Shamrock shirts* to a lucky Skull-A-Day reader!

To be entered in the drawing just leave a comment below with a skull or St. Patrick's Day themed limerick. [NOTE: If you're reading this on Facebook, be sure to leave your comment on the original post if you want to be actually entered in the contest]

IMPORTANT: Don't forget to include a way to contact you (either an e-mail in the post OR make sure your Blogger profile has an e-mail link for you on it).

You have until just Midnight Eastern Time March 9th to enter so don't delay! [UPDATE: The contest is over! Thanks to everyone for participating. The winner will be announced soon!]

And of course you don't have to wait til the end of the contest to get a St. Patrick's Day T-shirt from! Plus you can get 15% off on any order over $35 with coupon code  MARCHSALE2 (for US) and CADMARCHSALE2 (for Canada).

Good luck!

*standard weight shirts only, personalized text not included.


  1. Enter me into the contest, please!

  2. Hey folks, you need to leave a Skull or St. Patrick's Day themed limerick to be officially entered! Give it a shot, it doesn't have to be perfect (the winner is still randomly selected)!

  3. Here's my terrible limerick

    How are skull and a shamrock the same
    other than the letter beginning their name

    One symbolizes luck
    the other un-luck

    But only a skull looks cool while aflame

  4. there was an old skull of st. pat's,
    that got snagged by some really cool cats;
    they drenched patty in green and
    rolled him thru a silk screen
    to make skully-shamrock tees ... can't beat that!

  5. there once was a skull and crossbones
    and like the miz they were awesome
    some people were scared
    when t shirts are weared
    with something as dead as a possom

  6. There is a bone in your head.
    People only get to see it after your dead.
    Lift too many pints on St. Patty's Day,
    And you'll skip heading home instead.

  7. Behold this skull that I carry,
    With a grin that strikes as quite merry.
    The skin's all sloughed off,
    the brain's gone quite soft,
    but his grin will never desert me!

  8. I stare at a mouldering skull,
    As he stares back and we mull,
    O'er the secrets of life,
    And the mysteries of death,
    And how we got in this dank dungeon cell.

  9. Enter me into the contest. webmaster At hauntseeker dot com

    Here is my thing.

    What do you call a skull you can't feel? A numbskull LOL

  10. A skull a day makes the Lepercon play

  11. My name, Cara, is Irish for "Beloved Friend," and I'm also a redhead.

    Here's my limerick:

    There was a redhead of great charm
    Who danced jigs with a friend on each arm.
    As she drank her green beer,
    She yelled out a cheer
    And sung phrases of love and smarm.

    (I meant the use of *smarm* to mean: “the love between friends that does not have a component of sexual desire. It is the type of relationship where either person would die for the other, where the single greatest motivation of each is the welfare of the other rather than himself.” (from The Temple of Smarm, found here )


    Hope I win!

  12. It's in my blood to love the shamrock,
    Raise my class and toast the Loch.
    These bones do relish sweet Tillamore Dew
    One sip of their best and you'll be Irish too.
    Bless ol'St.Pat, a dear saint we never mock.

  13. There once was a bone mate named Patty
    whose breast-meat has long since been fatty
    They fell to her knees
    As she hung from the trees
    for stealing some corned beef and cabby


  14. My best friend as a child was a snake,
    We'd garden and skip rope and bake,
    But St. Patrick ran free,
    Chased my friend to the sea,
    Now I drink rye to soothe my heartache.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. There once was a leprechaun lad,
    Who thought skulls were great to be had.
    So he went 'round lopping heads,
    And made tasty sweetbreads,
    Juggling skulls and laughing like mad.

  17. There once was a girl from Glenroe
    Who really loved bone
    But when it was in a skull version
    Was really her perversion

  18. There once was a girl from Glenroe
    Who really loved bone
    But when it was in a skull version
    Was really her perversion

  19. Nathan Hamilton

    Said the Skull to his cranial peer
    I have quite a problem, I fear
    St. Pattys is Grand
    But I have no hands
    So how will I drink the green beer?

  20. Jake Lundgren

    There was a leprechaun with and broken spleen.

    And this leprechaun was really mean.

    The leprechaun did a dance.

    And he messed in his pants.

    So his undies were no longer green.

  21. Last week, I was laying in bed
    Trying to keep Anatomy in my head
    I wish they'd invent Retanium
    So I could memorize parts of the cranium
    I knew I shouldn't have gone for Pre-Med

    Contact at kittybirg AT hotmail DOT com.

  22. Green tears sparkling on his cracked lacrimal,
    Yorick struggled to be understandable:
    "I'm like a mint jolly roger,
    I can't swallow my lager,
    And where the hell is my mandible?"


  23. Without a skull you'd be in trouble
    That all important bone bubble
    Missing it your head would pool on the pillow like a slug
    But that would be good for making your little sister shriek "UGH!"

  24. There once was a skull, name of Marty,
    Who was partial to brews rich and hearty.
    Someone slipped him a mug,
    Marty cut quite a rug,
    Guiness made him the life of the party.

  25. there once was a skull named patie
    he wasnt much of a fatty
    he was just skin and bones
    no one left him alone
    until the day he went batty

  26. fun!

    There once was a man named O'Skullett
    Who poured a whole pint down his gullet.

    While his friends scoffed and laughed,
    He just pulled off his hat,
    To reveal a red-haired Irish mullet.



    'Tis sure I'll be wearing the green,

    When the calendar says March seventeen,

    To help me to think,

    It Smithwick's I drink,

    Just try some, you'll know what I mean.

  28. There once was a skull name Douglass,
    who had an eye for a special young lass.
    So he made her a shirt,
    but his feelings got hurt,
    when she said that would get him no ass.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. OK - no laughing, please! Some of the competition is pretty pitiful, too!!!

    There once was a good-hearted skull
    Who was, I'm afraid, quite dull.
    Till Noah came along
    And to skulls sang a love song.
    Now this skull feels quite wonderful!
