Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Lino Skulls

Faye Scott-Farrington from the United Kingdom sent us this pair of original lino prints.



Speedball C says:

As you may have heard me state in the past, I truly enjoy lino prints. It is partially the monocromatic tones, but it is also the old school look of woodblock prints. Perhaps, it might be the actual art of the art. From design, to carving the block, to actually inking and printing the image, one needs to be trained in the multi disciplines in order to accomplish a finish work of art. I personally appreciate the number of hours that may go into work like this, so thank you for sharing these two finished works with us.

1 comment:

  1. I've only done this technique once, but it was one of my favorite new techniques to try. I loved the process and the product. I love them because they do remind me of wood block and I know the time it takes to make one perfect to your vision.
