Sunday, March 7, 2010

Skull-A-Day Press: COLAB Interview

I was recently invited to give a talk on Skull-A-Day and my socially conscious design work at COLAB at Syracuse University. As part of my visit I was interviewed by a student and the end result has just been posted online...

Noah Scalin for COLAB from COLAB on Vimeo.

Can you spot the one skull shown that I didn't create? Extra credit if you can figure out who actually did make that skull (hint: it was posted during Skull-A-Day 3.0)!

I also answered a few fun questions for their Off The Cuff segment as well...

Off the Cuff: Noah Scalin from COLAB on Vimeo.


  1. Ooh, ooh! I know but I have an unfair advantage so I'll let everyone else guess. :)

  2. I want to say that it's the copper skull cubes.... am I right???

  3. I know - I just found out I was so very wr-r-r-r- not right! I have to watch the video again - I got interrupted by the arrival of my long-awaited washer/dryer. Oh, never mind the excuses.

  4. Sphinx C said:

    We have Tatman to thank for showing us this dirty dozen.

  5. OK, I'll try once more, then I give up and try to make Tatman talk! How about the needlepoint skull? I know that Noah's cross stitch skull was his first foray into that art, so I'm gonna guess that he doesn't do needlepoint!

  6. I'll just say that it's very apparent if you look at each skull closely. Plus, I knew because it was one that I posted.

  7. OK, this is my VERY LAST guess! If I get this one wrong, I'll start to feel stupid, or at least unskulled. The skull with the wooden spoon in some kind of batter or porridge? I know it's a 3.0 skull, cause the label in fine print says so!!!

  8. DING DING DING! Good work with the eagle eye. That piece of simulacrum actually came from one of my best friends, which is why I immediately recognized it.

  9. My guess was the bowl, spoon and some type of squishy food. Mainly because it was the only one that say Skull-A-Day 3.0
