Friday, April 16, 2010

Another helping of Skull Cakes

First up is Graphic Designer Adam Elliott from London, UK who said: “ I recently made a cake for my wife's 30th Birthday and seeing as she loves Mexican sugar skulls I made her this!”

Our second serving is from Kylie in the Bay Area, CA who wrote: “I made this in a cake decorating class I'm taking! I love it so much I may not eat it!”

Fondant C says:

I am always impressed by the culinary arts in our submission box. Useally one is not suppose to take a knife to art work, but in this instance it is what suppose to happen. Feeding your bodies as well as our minds, thank you both for submitting your work to us.


  1. I love, love, love the top one. Amazing. Looks to gorgeous to eat.

  2. I LOVE THEM BOTH! The sugar skull is beautiful! You're wife is a lucky gal. I don't know many men that would make something so great for their wives.

    The 2nd one is beautiful and sophisticated. I love the simplicity of the look, but I know it takes a lot of skill to make it so smooth and precise. The positioning of the details is great and it's a well balance look.

    I want to have a slice of both. Skull food is a perfect breakfast.

  3. Thanks Guys. We cried a little cutting into it! But it did taste gooooooood!

  4. Awesome! I especially love the sugar skull.
