Friday, April 9, 2010

[Flashback Friday TOP 10] 10. United Skull of America

Flashback Friday is a weekly countdown of the fan selected top 52 skulls of Skull-A-Day 1.0. Each week I'll be posting an original skull along with some additional commentary in order from lowest to highest rated, with the #1 skull appearing in the last week of year 3 of the project...

#8: 10. United Skull of America

It was only when I finished this that I thought about the fact that I had used a map of the continental US only and had left out Alaska & Hawaii. I felt pretty bad about it, but in the midst of the project I didn't have the time to return to it and try again with all 50 states. Finally last year I free moment and set to the task, and lo and behold I think the results were even better, go figure!...

This version is available as a limited edition silkscreen poster.

I even made a 9 foot tall wooden version of the original skull for my exhibition: After Life, that was at Quirk Gallery in Richmond, Virginia...

I plan on one day making the revised skull that way as well! So if you're interested in having an installation of the full 50 states as a skull in your museum, school, office, or gallery please get in touch!


  1. This is so cool. I had not seen the original the first time around, but I do like your updated one more. This have given me a doodle idea too. As always skull-a-day never ceases to amaze and inspire me. I am at Day 283, just 82 days shy of completing my 365.

    All the best
    follow on twitter @thedoodledaily

  2. Congrats on getting so far in your project Warren! Always glad to inspire! FYI I'm going to mention your project in my new book about daily projects! I'll post the details and release date as soon as I have them.

  3. Noah
    Thank you, I appreciate so much that you will be mentioning "The Doodle Daily" in your new book. That is very kind of you. Your blog & 1st book were my initial inspiration and I was happy that my doodled skulls made it onto your site as well.

    Hopefully I will be able to return the favor, when I am ready to publish my 365 project.

    I look forward to details on the new book.

