Monday, May 3, 2010

Bike Skull (Illustrated)

Carol Ann Dreistadt in Richmond, VA sent us this amazing illustration.

Mercury C says:

This is a wonderful piece you created. It works on its own and also serves as an excellent direction to create this in sculptural form if you had the parts. I am thinking about how cool this would look as the logo of a bike messenger service. I remember reading about a moped gang down that way once. You better watch out they don't “adopt” this as their own. Thank you for submitting this and please remember to let us know if this happens to end up on a t-shirt or completed as a future sculpture. Also be sure to check out The Skullmaster’s Bicyskull for his take on skully parts.


  1. This is a nice, clean and effective design. I agree with C, this would be a great sculpture.

  2. If the creator would allow me to weld this up as a sculpture I would love too and even have all of the parts ready to go.

    If you could have them contact me to ok it I'll forward you my e-mail.

  3. Hey Jake, that's awesome! Definitely send your e-mail and we'll get it to them. You can just sent it to the submission address if you like. Thanks!

  4. That really is a beautiful and effective design.

    Jake: A sculpture? For real? Awesome, dude. Would love to see it in a combo of chrome and matte black. Make sure we get to see pictures if you go ahead with it.

  5. Ok, so no clue how to send my e-mail through the submission page so I'll just throw it here. You can reach me at
    With the idea of doing polished, and matt, and black pieces maybe I'll post a pick once it's welded up and then we can work as a community to decide how to paint it and then I'll do that too. Though the bike chains I have are black so maybe I'll go hunt down some shiny bits.

  6. Thanks Jake! I sent her a note so hopefully we'll hear from her soon. FYI for future reference you just have to type out the e-mail address written at the bottom of the submission page, there's no link to limit spam.

  7. Great! Should be a fun collaboration like thing. Thanks for forwarding my info. And thanks for explaining the e-mail thing. Good thin I work in IT eh!

  8. Well sadly still no word from the artist :-(

  9. If she's a student she may be in the midst of exams! Let's hope that's the case and we hear something in the next week or two...
