Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sunday Simulacra - Version 4.16

Sam Snoek-Brown is fastly becoming the most celebrated skull hunter here on Skull-A-Day. Pretty soon we'll have to open a trophy room solely for all of his skull captures. All of this week's finds come from Sam starting off with "A skull I found in my breakfast cereal one morning"...

followed by "A piece of toasted bread my wife and I got with dinner in Rockwall, Texas"...

the third "is a building in Amsterdam"...

and as a bonus "I discovered it on the breakfast table one morning. I’d tossed my sunglasses down after a shopping trip the previous afternoon, and quite by accident, the landed near a pack of new batteries in a way that looked skullish to me".

*with a little help from me*
You definitely have an eye for catching those hidden skulls in all of your world excursions, Sam. Thanks for keeping us in mind during your travels and for sharing your all of your great finds with us.
If you want to join the skull hunt then send us your simulacra pics for posting on Sundays.

1 comment:

  1. Well shiver me timbers! I couldna asked fer a better day to see me own skulls aboard the Skull-a-Day than on International Talk Like a Pirate Day! A mug o' grog to each o' ye!
