Saturday, October 16, 2010

[BONUS] I got a plaque!

I was recently invited to the Interagency Visual Media Group conference on Bolling Air Force Base to speak to designers who work within the US Intelligence Community about generating creative inspiration! I give a lot of talks about the Skull-A-Day project, but this was by far the most unusual group I've ever been asked to speak to. I had no idea what to expect, but happily the audience seemed to really enjoy my offbeat presentation and gave a lot of extremely positive feedback on their evaluation forms. The organizers even surprised me at the end with a really lovely plaque, which I just had to share with you...

The text is ringed with logos from the participating organizations: Central Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office, Department of Homeland Security, National Security Agency, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, Office of Naval Intelligence, Department of State, Defense Intelligence Agency, Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration, Department of Energy, Department of the Treasury, Department of Defense, as well as the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. 

I can honestly say I never expected something like this would be one of the results of making 365 skulls! I hope your own creative projects lead your down equally unexpected paths.