Thursday, October 7, 2010

Dia de la Abby #19: Dia de los Muertos Shrine

I made this shrine in honor of my paternal grandparent, who have both passed away. The shrine contains favorite elements from their house. I had planned on making clay skeletons, but it seems my clay skills have not improved over the years, so I settled for just skulls. Those, I can do.

Close up of skulls. I made the skulls different sizes and shapes, so they would represent two different people.

The two skulls are sitting on a bench that has a grape vine above it. This is one of many of my favorite things that used to exist at my grandparents' house.

Since this piece does contain so many different mediums to make it...paint, beads, wood, clay...etc., I wrote a tutorial for it. It will explain how I made it and why I chose to make certain elements. You can learn a little bit more about my family as well as view close ups of each section.

Every week in the 4.0 year, I will be post my own Dia de la Abby posts as well as a tutorial with instructions on how I made my piece. Hopefully you feel inspired by my posts just as I was by Noah's Skull-A-Day 1.0 daily project. Need more of me than just a weekly dose, follow me on Twitter and/or Facebook.