Thursday, October 28, 2010

Dia de la Abby #22: Sugar Skull Cookies

I know this is another baking one, but I wanted to make a sugar skull, but in cookie form. Dia de los Muertos is in 4 days, so I thought this was an appropriate time to make these.

Finished Sugar Skull Cookie

Custom Made Skull Cookie Cutters

I have to thank my dad for helping me with this one. Many years ago, he made my mom and me custom heart shaped cookie cutters for Valentine's Day cookies. I couldn't find the skull shape I wanted and also, I wanted these cookies to be 100% one of a kind. He made the cookie cutters out of aluminum, tiny nuts and tiny bolts, based off of skulls I drew for this project.

I used a sugar cookie and a icing recipe to make the dough and hard white icing for the cookies. I wanted the decoration of them to be similar to that of the traditional sugar skulls of Dia de los Muertos. I like the idea of sugar skulls, but don't want to eat something that is basically pure sugar or buy molds for them...because that wouldn't be custom. Sugar cookies seemed like a perfect solution. I'm giving my dad the huge cookie as a thank you for helping and also because my parents are watching our daughter this Saturday. We are going to the Gallery5's Pre-Halloween Dinner Party with Noah, because hanging out with Noah is fun and Skull-A-Day is one of the sponsors. If you would like to know how my dad made the cookie cutters and how I made the cookies, read the handy dandy tutorial.

Every week in the 4.0 year, I will be post my own Dia de la Abby posts as well as a tutorial with instructions on how I made my piece. Hopefully you feel inspired by my posts just as I was by Noah's Skull-A-Day 1.0 daily project. Need more of me than just a weekly dose, follow me on Twitter and/or Facebook.


  1. Not only do those look delicious, but it's so awesome that your dad made you custom cookie cutters!

  2. It does look really delicious. This cookie is about the size of my head. It was hard to find a plate large enough for it.
    I'm a lucky gal to have a handy dad who can make all sorts of things. He is the male version of me, but feistier.

  3. I love the cookies, but I am most impressed by the custom cookie cutters. Is that something he will do if others that are looking for them? Sometimes I have trouble finding the shapes I desire and was wondering the possibility of having him do one for me.

  4. Phil - I will ask him, but knowing him well, he won't do it. This was a special thing he did for me because I'm his daughter. He doesn't like making things for other people. He's funny like that.

    Try making them yourself. His are a little bit different than this tutorial...

    The top edge of his is folded over for comfort when you push down on them. You can also use tin cans...soup, make them, as they would already have a rolled or folded edge.
