Thursday, December 23, 2010

Dia de la Abby: #30 - Leaf Skull

I was going to make a skull outside with holly and berries, but I felt that the birds needed those more than a skull piece did. I recalled the large amount of fabric leaves that I have left over from hair flower projects and it occurred to me that I could use those to make a skull instead. This is one of my favorite pieces that I've made. If you want to find out how I made this, follow the tutorial. It looks really complicated to make, but it's not.

Every week in the 4.0 year, I will post my own Dia de la Abby posts as well as a tutorial with instructions on how I made my piece. Hopefully you feel inspired by my posts just as I was by Noah's Skull-A-Day 1.0 daily project. Need more of me than just a weekly dose, follow me on Twitter and/or Facebook.


  1. Oh wow, this is really great! I love that you chose the more challenging side view to do, I always found those the hardest when I was doing my project.

  2. Thanks. It was the technique I used that made it easier to do. Also, I looked at yours, which is a front view and wanted to do something different. I'll definitely be experimenting with this technique for future pieces.
