Monday, February 14, 2011

Skull Tarts

With today being St. Valentine’s Day I thought it would be appropriate to share some excellent hearts tarts with our readers.

Mark Gilliland in the NYC metro region wrote: “I've been a follower for years and have your book and signed print. I thought finally that I would submit something to share!”

Mark said: “Here are several in-sequence images of tart creation to consumption.”

Rhyming C says:

I really like the supporting pictures you sent along of your creation process. It was really interesting to see the diversity of how they turned out and what it took to get that “one good one” but then again they all were good ones in a different way I bet. Thank you for the excellent submission and for being a loyal reader/supporter of the project. We look forward to seeing some more of your baked skulliness in the future.


  1. I am sure there will be a lot of sharing tarts today.

  2. But what kind of stuffing you used?

  3. Hey! I'm Laura, the girl in the picture holding the tarts. We used a mixed berry compote-- frozen fresh berries cooked down with some sugar, a little vanilla, and a tiny bit of cardamom. We sandwiched that between two skull shaped sheets of home made pastry dough.
