Sunday, March 6, 2011

[Bonus] Skull Cup Review

A short while back we posted some wicked ceramic cups made by Nicole Pangas. You can see that original post here. I managed to get my hands on one of these bad boys and here's the new cup that's now kickin' ass in my kitchen.

Nicole hooked me up with skull and crossbone designs on both sides. You can't see the bones on the big one, but they are there. This cup is a solid piece of craftsmanship. It feels firm and comfortable to hold and drink from, and it looks f'ing awesome on the dinner table. I love having this new addition to my collection of skull glasses. If you want to get one for yourself then check out her Etsy store. You can bet mine will be used for quite a few tasty beverages. Thanks again, Nicole!


  1. I remember the original post. I think I "favorited" her store. I hope to be able to get one or two of these for myself sometime soon. Thanks for sharing again!
