Thursday, March 31, 2011

Tree Skulls Please

Misha from Cincinnati, OH, of 365 Trees Please, submitted this piece titled "Twigs". She explains her reasoning behind creating the piece, "Today, our middle school students enjoyed a presentation on forensics from the Cincinnati Museum Center's outreach program. To document this fascinating learning experience for our yearbook, I was asked to stop by and take photos. It was so interesting that it wasn't until I was on my way home that I realized that one of the skull photos I took would make for a fun addition to my 365 ~ Trees Please project, a nod to Noah and all the inspiration he has spread through his Skull A Day project and book."

I love the use of the tree pattern with the skull. The limbs remind me of fusion lines of an adult human skull. The coloration reminds me of ancient skulls that have been dug up from their buried afterlife. This can also happen in forensics, when recovering victims. I remember the first time I saw a forensics presentation. I don't recall a skull, but I do remember being really interested in fingerprint and ways to capture the prints.


  1. Happy to be a part here, Noah. Thanks!

    and thanks to you, too, lovely snow globe queen ~:)
