Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Skull Quilt Project: Skulls in Reds

We've received a variety of quilt suares. I've noticed that there are a lot of repeating colors, which is a good thing. These featured ones use various shades of red...and some other colors too.

Ann Scrags from Camarillo, CA used fused plastic bags, recycled plastic pieces and ribbon to create this skull.

Sue McGuire made these skulls with appliqued fabric and beads.

Amy Whitehurt from Richmond, VA of Snow Globe 365 made this one using fabric and hand stitching.

Sarah from Swindon, Wiltshire, England of Are You Flowin' made this one from fabric and embroidery.

Here is some information on the Skull Quilt Project:

The quilt blocks need to be 12"x12" in total size. This includes 1" around all sides of seam and ironing allowance. This means you have about 10"x10" of art space. Since these are art quilts, feel free to use any medium you wish that will adhere to a 12"x12" cotton square. Just decorate one side of the square and don't worry about finishing the edges. I will be sewing your square to other squares, to make a quilt. I'll be making multiple quilts, so I will match yours up with other participants squares of similar colors or themes. Each quilt will be three squares x three squares, a total of nine squares. If you want, get together with your friends and make nine blocks that have similar colors, so I can make one quilt with them. Need more inspiration, check our other submissions.

Send your finished skull quilt squares to:

PO Box 73236
Richmond, VA 23235

On a note sent with the piece, please include:
Your name
Your city, state and/or country
Your email - I will email you when your block arrives

If you have any questions about the project, feel free to email me at

The deadline for us to receive the skull blocks is Saturday, May 28, 2011. This is so we can sew the quilts in time Skull Appreciation Day. The quilts will be auctioned off at and after the June 4th event. Proceeds from these quilts will go to Becky's Fund, which is an organization that helps victims of domestic violence.

If you aren't the quilt square type person, or want something to do something a bit different for the event, make a piece of Mail Art. These will be on display at the event.

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