Friday, June 3, 2011

100 Painted Skulls: #1

I've always said I've never had the urge to do another 365 project once I was done making the original 365 Skull-A-Day pieces, but recently I've been feeling the urge to do more work that is process driven.

So in honor of the start of the fifth year of this project(!) I decided to make 100 small skull paintings.

I'm not sure if I'll make them daily or just as I have time (they're not practical to do when traveling), we'll just have to see what happens.

I can tell you they will all be done on small wooden panels that are 4 x 4in (10.16 x 10.16 cm) and painted with acrylics, though I won't necessarily limit myself if have the urge to use different paint or even other materials. The idea is to just practice painting and try out a variety of techniques and styles.

For painting #1 I decided to return to a cropped image that I really enjoyed doing previously, with the goal of incorporating a looser brush stroke and allowing the wood grain of the panel to show through.

I hope you enjoy this new project of mine!


  1. Love this skull painting, Noah! The cropping makes for an interesting composition. Mason and I are looking forward to Skull Appreciation Day tomorrow...we've decided to draw skulls for my 365 project and he's ready to wear his S-A-D button!

  2. this image would be awesome in a 36"x36" size, hanging on my garage for the neighborhood to marvel at. the woodgrain gives a realistic aged look. like it alot! celebrating S-A-D already!!

  3. I'm glad you are doing this project. I'm going to be painting a lot more, so this will definitely be good inspiration.

  4. Great could even put hinges on them and put a few at a time together so they can stand up or hook and eyes to attach some for hanging as a group....looking forward to they year.

    Can't make it today but will def get to the Gallery before next month.

    Have a grand old time!

  5. Thanks everyone, I'm enjoying getting back into some regular art making!

  6. Stunning! I love that you have a 'system' in mind, but will allow yourself some freedom as well.
