Tuesday, June 28, 2011

[BONUS] Lego Skull Instructions

The wonderfully talented Clay Morrow, whose awesome Lego work will be featured on this site soon, has kindly taken the time to make a set of DIY instructions for my very own 308. Lego Skull! Download them HERE (PDF).

When I originally built this I just worked with a bunch of random used bricks I bought online. I had no pattern and really couldn't explain how it was made. It was a real treat to have Clay disect the piece and rebuild it digitally (and make a few improvements along the way). If you're a Lego fan I hope you'll download the instructions and give this a try. If you make your own of course I'd love to see the results!

Thanks again to Clay for his extra effort on this. Be sure to check out all the marvelous Lego creations he's been making lately HERE.


  1. Love this piece! I can't seem to find the part that is used for the teeth. Any ideas on what it's called or a part #?


  2. Hi, the piece is a "Brick, Modified 1 x 2 Log" and it's part number is #30136. If you don't know already, www.bricklink.com is a great resource for finding info or buying Lego pieces. Hope that helps.
