Thursday, June 30, 2011

Dia de la Abby #55 - Linocut Skull

This print was inspired by wanted to expand on some old existing skills by making a layered print.

I've been wanting to try linoleum cutting (linocut) and printing again, since I first learned how in high school. That was a long time ago, but thankfully not so long that I forgot. I chose to do a layered print so I could have a colored floral background for the white sugar skull. I did a few test prints before settling on a printing style and placement I liked. After I perfect the printing, I will make more and have them available for sale in my Etsy shop. Each one will be slightly different, due to hand printing these, so you will have a one of a kind piece of art.

Every other Thursday in the 5.0 year, I will post my own Dia de la Abby creations   Every Thursday in the 4.0 year, I posted my Dia de la Abby creations and occasionally tutorials with instructions on how I made my pieces. Hopefully you feel inspired by my posts just as I was by Noah's Skull-A-Day 1.0 daily project. Need more of me than just a weekly dose, follow me on  FacebookGoogle+ and/or Twitter..


  1. that's beautiful. i still have my linoleum blocks from printmaking class. maybe i'll pull them out and make some new prints!
    i love the layers in this. the skull looks like it's hovering. since it's a sugar skull, maybe you could sprinkle it with glitter? that'd be cool!

  2. oooh glitter. That's a good idea. I have some glitter paints that might work well for printing.

  3. Thanks! I need to tweak a few of the fine lines, but overall, I'm really happy with how it came out.
