Friday, July 1, 2011

[Flashback Friday] 5.4- Red, White & Blue Skulls

Welcome to another addition of Flashback Friday.** This year the guest editors, Citizen Agent, Azurafae, and myself, Tatman, are taking turns reflecting on 17 of our personal favorite skulls from the previous four years of postings. So please join us as we visit the archives and add our additional commentary on some of the original pieces.

In honor of our upcoming Independence Day holiday this July 4th I have decided to celebrate with some of my favorite red, white, and blue skulls.

Red- 86. Drizzled Skull

White- 246. Yarn Painting Skull

Blue(I know it's technically a white skull on blue)- 331. Bleach(ed) Skull

If you're planning on spending this weekend traveling then I wish you a safe and happy trip. No matter where you spend it let's all remember to make it a great one!

**Flashback Friday was a weekly countdown of the fan selected top 52 skulls of Skull-A-Day 1.0. Each week during year 3.0 The Skullmaster posted the original skull along with some additional commentary in order from lowest to highest rated, with the #1 skull appearing in the last week of year 3.0, all 52 can be found here.


  1. Bravo C said:

    Hats off to you T-Man! Excellent post!

  2. I feel like I need some creative patriotism now.
