Wednesday, August 10, 2011

8-Bit Colorful Skull

Steve in Baltimore, MD the creator of wrote: “I came across Skull-A-Day while searching for a skull images to base my wall art on. I thought you may like the finished result.”

You can see more of the process of making this work HERE.

Levittown C says:

This a very interesting idea in artwork. A temporary piece that is constantly changing based on what interests you at the moment. The piece I am sure also dramatically changes by where you are in the room. I find the idea of low cost modular pieces that can be easily assembled a concept that brings the technicallity of the art into a realm that anyone could accomplish, an updated color by number for the digital age. Thank you for giving me an idea of what to do with my collection of paint swatches from the local paint store and for allowing us to share living in your 8bit world.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the feedback! (and featuring me on your blog)
