Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Star Wars Remix

Just wanted to announce that a new project I've been helping out with has launched today!

Star Wars Remix is the brainchild of my friends Emma Beddows and Scott Walker, who asked if I would use my Skull-A-Day expertise to help them get the ball rolling.

Basically the idea is to get people making Star Wars characters, scenes, props, etc. out of everyday materials. I helped out with the banner for the site as well as several original creations, which they will be posting over the next month. I've had a lot of fun returning to materials and techniques I tried out in Skull-A-Day. In fact you may recognize today's post's concept from this piece and material from this piece.

I also got several Skull-A-Day friends to participate as well including Everything Burger's Charlton Yu and Freehand Profit from MASK365, so expect to see some great new work over the next few weeks.

I hope you'll check it out AND consider making and sharing a Star Wars Remix of your own!


  1. I want to know how many times you had to squirt out the word "remix" before you got it that perfect?!:)

    My word verification is "comets"...guess I need to remix some SW!:)

  2. Ha, believe it or not that was only the 2nd try! Considering how bad my real handwriting is, I was pretty surprised at how quickly I pulled it off.
