Monday, September 26, 2011

Sugar Skull Makeup

Francisco of  "Non Social Photography” submitted these photos he took. He says, "Perla arrive to my home with a make up for Día de los Muertos or a Candy Skull."

I love skull makeup and costumes. I've worn many of them myself. I like the variation in this particular makeup. The face isn't white like a skull. Instead, it's the model's skin color. The eyes, nose and mouth are still decorated like a traditional sugar skull. The addition of the outfit and hair adornment help bring out the Mexican heritage of Dia de los Muertos. Francisco sent us many photos from this set. These are my three favorites.


  1. This is lovely. I think I know what I'm doing for All Hallow's Eve! I love the simplicity of this.

  2. I do too. I think this one is a lot easier to do than the traditional style ones. I'm even considering doing something like this for Halloween.

  3. Also, I have school that day, so it will be less messy.
