Saturday, October 15, 2011

Grenade Skull

Jeff & Celeste Barton(sorry, I'm not sure which one submitted this) are starting our weekend off with a bang with today's skull. "Here is one of my stencils airbrushed on a grenade(deactivated of course..)"

Thanks for blowing up today's post with this explosive skull Jeff & Celeste. It's a great photo as well as a cool stencil. Of course a skull grenade would normally be seen as a sign of destruction, but I think it would be cooler if it splattered brains when it exploded. What would your skull grenade eject from it's cranial casing?

“Countdown To Halloween”
16 more days and counting...

1 comment:

  1. Bruno Mars would catch that for me before it 'sploded. :O)
