Thursday, January 19, 2012

CONTEST: Win a Wenchkin Calaca T-Shirt!

THE CONTEST IS CLOSED! Thanks for participating! 

Wenchkin is a "self trained artist and New Mexico resident whose work has been heavily influenced by Dia de los Muertos, underground and pop art." She would like to share her love of art by giving away a large Wenchkin Calaca T-Shirt to one lucky Skull-A-Day fan!

Close up of image

Full t-shirt, size large

Wenchkin explains how she came about her style of art. "In her 7th grade art class, she was told 'nothing came with a fat black outline around it, and now, 15 years later, it is a defining element of her style. She clearly has a fixation on skulls, but her artwork is also known for bringing a bit of lightness, humor and color to darker subjects. Wenchkin creates original, one of a kind acrylic paintings, custom muerto illustration portraits and modifies various toys and objects." You can see more of her artwork on her Google + and Facebook pages.

Since Wenchkin turns photos into skullified illustration portraits, to be entered into the contest just leave a comment saying how you would skullify yourself.

[NOTE: If you're reading this on Facebook or Google+ be sure to leave your comment on the original post if you want to be actually entered in the contest]

IMPORTANT: Don't forget to include a way to contact you (either an e-mail in the post OR make sure your Blogger profile has a working e-mail link for you on it). Entries are only valid with this information.

You have until just Midnight Eastern Time Wednesday, January 25th  to enter so don't delay!

NOTE: Wenchkin will pay for shipping to the winner.

Of course, you don't have to wait till the end of the contest to get your own Wenchkin creation, visit her shop to purchase one of her Wenchkin Calaca T-Shirts.


  1. Left this originally on your FB page, sorry, a bit slow on the uptake! I really think this image is wonderful!

  2. How would I skullify myself? Hummm, I am just a little bit evil, 333. Love skulls, the shape, structure and mythology involved. I think it should be a happy-dark skull, celebrating life, even in death. It should include butterflies, everything should include butterflies. Love your work Wenchkin. James,

  3. Skulls and dragons, two misunderstood symbols that are great when viewed thru the right eyes. I would "skullify" my self by trying to combine these icons.
    You can contact me at
    Thanks, and keep the skulls coming!

  4. I love skulls! I would skullify myself with the sugar skull type of design but it would have to include a rat or mouse (skull or not!).
    pupton58 at gmail dot com

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  7. I am an Anthropologist. I have a BA in Anthropology, and I love Osteology (the study of bones). Dia de Los Muertos is a wonderfully beautiful holiday. Every year I look forward to the day and all of the calaveras that I will be able to see and find.

    If I could be "skullified" then I think I would love for it to have an "axis mundi" (a connector between the heavens, earth, and the underworld) type theme. I love trees and would love to have a tree incorporated onto my skull. Leaves, branches, roots and all. There would also be no traditional "tree colorings". The color on my skull would all be in the traditional Dia de Los Muertos set of bright, beautiful, crisp, etc.

  8. I got a piece of mail art from wenchkin - so i don't have to skullify myself - i already am skullified in the mail...

  9. I would skullify myself with a Similar style to the Gears of War logo. Fits me perfect since I'm a mechanic and a gamer :)

  10. I'd have bone reconstruction to add some bird features to my skull.

  11. I've always wanted to work the reference desk at work in full skull make-up. That would be my dream skullify!
    Beautiful shirt, btw!

    Katie M.

  12. Maybe if I highlight all the hardest parts of my face and shade all the fleshiest, I'll look something like a skull. A skull with a nose.

  13. Heh! Bones rules!

  14. Ha! Isn't skullified art a wonderful thing!? My skellie son and I would look amazing on a t-shirt! I would celebrate in this t-shirt by skullifying myself with a cool beverage from my skull chalice!

  15. These works are awesome. I'd want to be skullified with a touch of Alphonse Mucha.

  16. A skull with a snake rapped around it!

    Love your work!

    paul drinnon G+
    the weekly Vidpad G+

  17. I would have my zombies and monsters around my skull, they are the things that come from my mind, they should be with my skull...

  18. I absolutely love Dia del Muertos art! I'm also in a steampunk phase right now, so I'd probably have gears and lace and maybe a bleeding heart on it.

  19. something with a mendhi tattoo flavor. a spider jewel in the third eye and a snake somewhere in there ... but not coming out of any orifice ... too common ;] the thing that would house my Shiva power ...

  20. I'm not talented enough to skullify myself, I would leave that up to the wonderful artists I've seen courtesy of Skull-a-Day.
    Your t-shirt is pretty cute!

  21. I wanna say 1st that Wenchkin, I love you style! I would skullify myself by combine the images of skulls and flowers. The images representing life and death are beautiful in my eyes. Accessorizing myself with a skull hair clip, a t-shirt with a skull(s)on it, a handbag covered in skulls, black socks, and a beautiful ring that looks like a marigold with the face of a skull on it.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. These are awesome. I would love to win one :) My e-mail is facebook name is ... MissyandChris Sutrick

  24. Would like something with roses and bats, and perhaps a pentagram too.!


  25. I would definitely skullify myself in a Dia de Los Muertos style - with red roses, glittery accents and maybe a Girl Scout logo hidden in there somewhere to commemorate Skulltastic Troop 202!

  26. Not too sure how but maybe a skull of Hello Kitty as I do love her and collect cool ones (and have a tattoo of one on one of my appendages). The tee is muy cool.

  27. I am not at all artistically talented but love the skull art. I would skullify myself by wearing someone else's great skull art.
    jednc @ hotmail .com

  28. please enter me in.

  29. I would skullify myself by adding "wings" and a scary smile :)

  30. I skullified myself by getting a sugar skull tattoo on my back. Death doesn't have to be sad and gloomy. It can be beautiful and only part of your journey.

  31. Skullifying would have to include passages and links to the afterlife: angels, saints, and the ones I love.

  32. I would love to be dancing through flames while carrying a large snake

  33. I would skullify myself with flesh eating beetles. Or maybe by opening the Ark of the Covenant and looking inside. You can contact me at

  34. I think I would definitely add some horns to my skull head.

  35. I would love to skullify my children. They a vivid and colorful, artistic and creative. They would be over the moon to see/have one of your pieces!

  36. This comment has been brought to you by the Emergency Broadcasting System.

  37. I love skull a day, have books and t. shirts. Would love to win this t. shirt. rhokar

  38. Demon I am and face I peel, see skin turned inside out
    Gotta have you on my wall....Gotta have you on my wall

  39. Beautiful artist! You can never have enough skulls! Viva Los Muertos!!

  40. I play roller derby so I'd love to see a skullified image of me on skates somehow!

    Alma Geddon

  41. I'd need to be a zombie skull if that's possible.

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  43. Simply fantastic work.

  44. Skullify myself? I suppose I would have to be mixed with the body and skull of a horse cause they mean so much to me and my sobriety/sanity. Horses are said to really be akin to people who have harbored trauma in their life, and I know if I would not have found peace in horses I would be dead today, and most definitely a skull.

  45. It is quite a fun shirt.

  46. In fact i am a skull w/ skin actually! You just have to put my face in that t-shirt ok? Nice work!

  47. I would skullify myself in the fashion of the old Vampirella or Tales from the Crypt comics.
