Thursday, January 26, 2012

Overexposure Skull

Denis Ricardo of Overexposure said "This is my second attempt at a 365, because of some unfortunate accidents happening last attempt, but i am back with a vengeance, and apparently, skulls! This year, it's more than photography and videography, or I at least plan on it being more than that. I want to draw, write, paint, but it will all be documented as a video or photo."

Having finished a 365 project myself, I can understand how difficult it is to stay on track when other things in your life get in the way. I'm glad that Denis (and a few others) are trying again and changing up how they do a 365 project. It's a challenge to do something creative daily, when you might not be feeling very creative or have other things going on that need your attention. Sometimes even just doodling can be enough of a creative jolt a day. I'm try to do something creative every day, so I can learn to be more focused on completing projects before starting new ones. I won't be documenting my creative adventures, because no one needs to know when video games seemed like a better idea for the day...

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