Saturday, February 18, 2012

CONTEST: Win a 'Good Art Hlywd' Sterling Silver Skull Pendant

This contest has ended.  Thanks to everyone for all of the great comments and supporting Good Art Hlywd's killer work.

The road to success contains many intersections. Imagine yourself at the intersection of hard work and dedication. On that corner is a jewelry shop that houses it's own foundry and the capability to make magnificent works of metallic ornaments to adorn your body with. On the outside of that building is a sign that reads "Good Art Hlywd". The time for you to own a piece of 'Grade A' L.A. style is here, and the time to enter is now.

Josh Warner is the most gracious owner of Good Art Hlywd and he is here to dazzle us with the most illustrious of giveaways. Each of the pendants above (including a second one of the first image), along with the some  of the goodies shown in the bottom image, will go to a different lucky reader drawn at random! That's right! There will be 5 winners! The five winners will each receive one of the items, but no guarantee will be made as to which one.

Josh's crew of amazing metal smiths cast these creations in sterling silver and they're as solid as they look. Luxury is the name of the game when it comes to owning quality like this. The hard working, American made spirit that goes into making each piece is accentuated by Josh's own outlook on the art and aesthetic.

"The necessity of a two thousand dollar lighter is an absurd question; the pure joy of its luxury is however an experience to relish. The degree to which an object can communicate or evoke a state of mind is a mark of its magnitude. I believe art is communication, and art has the ability to effect how you feel. As a work of art can uplift the spirit, so too can an everyday object bring joy well beyond its function. And if it does, it may well be art." -taken from the GAH website

Take advantage of this opportunity to feel the same way for the mere cost of a moment's time. To be entered in this contest leave a comment stating your skull's idea of luxury. Mine would love to own a motorcycle so expensive I'd be afraid to ride it, but what the heck, you only live once. (If you also don't want to crash your bike then simply say what you would buy your skull if you could give it anything.)

[NOTE: If you're reading this on Facebook or Google+ then be sure to leave your comment on the original post if you want to be officially entered in the contest.]

IMPORTANT: Don't forget to include a way of contacting you(either an email in the post OR be sure your blogger profile has a working email link for you). Entries are only valid with this information.

You have until Midnight Eastern time Friday, February 24th to enter so don't wait... do it now.

Note: Due to international shipping costs this contest is limited to winners in the US and Canada only.  Apologies go out to everyone else.

Of course you don't have to wait until the end of the contest to get your own pendant, ring, or chain. The Good Art Hlywd website is always open to bring you a chance to spoil yourself with "Genuine American Luxury". Thanks, Josh & Rachel!


  1. My skull's idea of luxury would be a golden throne with a memory foam cushion covered with scarlet velour.

  2. Wow! Great charms! Thank you so much for the link! I am going there right now to take a look.
    Amy Thornton

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Wall-sized TV. Yes, it's luxurious.

  5. These are awesome and would match a bracelet I recently received as a them..thanks for sharing

  6. My skull would enjoy the luxury of a deep "Lilly Of The Valley" bubble bath!

  7. My skull is aching to go to someplace warm and sunny with a azure seas and white sandy beaches. Let's toss in a ripped cabana boy while we're at it...

  8. I like your idea, Atticelf. Although I think I'll let you keep the cabana boy. :-D

  9. My skull's idea of luxury is a silver tea set and a daily ritual to ensure I get to enjoy the luxury of it. [JWall]

  10. Amazing... Def would love to win one if not def need to get me one!

  11. My idea of sheer luxury would be one room dedicated to nothing but every cd I've ever collected. I know they're an outdated medium, but that's my preferred method of listening to music. Some people put books in their library, I put compact discs.

  12. my skulls idea of luxury: soft as butter leather, next to soft as a baby skin..

  13. Wonderful giveaway! My skull dreams of a larger house that comes with a cleaning demon :)

  14. My skulls luxury would be to not have to work again, to lay around all day making art and snarfing bon-bons.

  15. When i walk down the street, listening to music & dreaming.
    I look at apartment buildings & schools. Well that is not luxurious you may say.

    Imagine taking the whole top floor & making it your own. An art room, a shop, a mammoth kitchen, a glorious tattoo space, a movie theater, my 13 yo's room on the opposite side.

    but then why not make the whole thing your personal space?
    Because the rest of the space will make money, rented to artists & friends at low cost just to pay the bills.

    Now that is luxury.

  16. My skulls luxury would be spending more time with my Mom, and when she gets better taking her to Ireland.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. My skull's idea of luxury is to be suspended in a cloud of blue cotton candy. Sweet.

  19. My skull's idea of luxury would be to stand on a mountain and not be able to see the edge of its property.

  20. Skull luxury...a diamond encrusted tiara!

  21. My skull's idea of luxury would be a cottage on a tiny island of its very own.

  22. Pre-death: my skull would like a full-on leather catsuit covered in zipper pockets for my sweet spy gadgets. Post-death: my skull would like to be covered in diamonds and carried around on a black velvet cushion by an attractive man.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. My skull's idea of luxury would be to ride around in the $1.8 million Zenvo ST1 supercar. I mean look at it, the front looks like a seriously wicked skull!

    Reach me at

  25. My skulls idea of luxury would be having a nice little house with all the eco-friendly, tech-savy extras you can think of... and no worries about bills and crap :)

  26. My skull's idea of luxury would be nestled between the mounds of my breast as I stand on the balcony in luxurious rented home on Kauai. The winds off the Pacific are blowing in the salt spray from the rocks below covering my skull with a fine salty spray. We both look out at the azure blue sky blending into the ocean as dolphins jump from one wave to another. I pick up my glass of wine and as I take a sip a small drop falls onto the hungry skull waiting for me to wake up and take it out onto the sandy beach where we will wait for another golden Sun set.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. one would look rad around my neck this summer on my Harley.... Kalamazoo, MI

  29. I think that the luxury I want for my skull a skeleton. Nothing fancy, just complete!

  30. My skull prefers fine tequila with key limes. It's easy.

  31. My skull's form of luxury would be running an exotic animal rescue.

  32. My skull's idea of luxury would be high speed internet instead of this slow dial-up....took forever to see the pendents but it was totally worth the wait! WhooHooo!:)

  33. My skull's idea of luxury would be a new 2012 Triumph Speed Triple and a new Arai Corsair-V helmet, to protect my skull of course!!

  34. Luxury would be jewels in the eye sockets.

  35. wow it's a nice contest, suore like to win it

  36. My skull's idea of luxury is a warm hat

  37. My noggin rock's idea of luxury is a boat to take around the world with 10-15 of my friends.

  38. my skull would be placed gently upon my wife's chest for her happiness is the only luxury my skull and i would ever need. a happy wife is a happy life.

  39. Luxury would be having all your time to yourself with no no obligation to sell yourself to work... (and all the time to dedicate to work you want to be doing!)

  40. My skull's idea of luxury would be to live on after my death as either a chromed hood ornament on a late 60s early 70s MOPAR SS (my skull is open to several options within these parameters but requires big block luxury and a fast driver) OR to be crafted into the most bedazzlingly luxurious candy dish ever (you know you want a piece).

  41. My ultimate skull luxury would be owning a home with enough wall space and cabinets to display my ever growing collection of all things skull related, thick velvet red drapes, candles, incense burning, lava lamps and a place that once you step foot are in a state of complete and utter relaxation and inspired like you've never been before! I've created a much smaller version of this in the Valley and would certainly treasure the Good Art Hlywd sterline silver skull pendant. And if beggers can be choosers.....I want the very first one listed on this page! ;-)~
    Thanks for your generosity!!

    Mad love & all my best,

  42. My skull's idea of luxury is to be some place warm and tropical... and constantly being fed libations and other mind altering substances by beautiful women clad in bikinis!

  43. My skulls idea of luxury would be having a
    Ferrari 458 and a'67 chevelle SS in the garage!

  44. My skull's idea of luxury would be a nice crown; a crown made of bone. Also a throne of bone upon which to sit.

    Oh, and a trip to Ireland. I've always wanted to visit.

  45. Marty Sugar: my skull's idea of luxury is a wrestling ring and an endless supply of fools to headbutt.

  46. Contest or no, I just may have to purchase some of GAH's fine goods. There are a few items that would make a special lady in my life very happy.

  47. My skull's idea of a luxury would be to journey into the underworld to find my deceased friend; where I would sit and decay with her for awhile, and we would reminisce about all the joys we shared, and those that I took for granted. I would apologize to her, tell her how much she meant to me, and have my chance to give her a proper goodbye.
    Not exactly a luxury to some, but a luxury to me.

  48. My luxury skull would bask in the glorious blind adoration of a million stranger's skulls while swimming in a pool of shiny super model skulls, sipping Absinthe kool-aid from Marilyn Manson's skull...and winning the Super Skull ball lottery!

  49. my skulls idea of luxury would be to be famed and recognized world wide for finding the cure for cancer!

  50. My skull's idea of luxury would be a 12 course gourmet meal complete with vomitorium.

    spooky.nine [at] gmail [dot] com

  51. My skull's idea of luxury would be to be surrounded by all the books I ever want and to have all the time in the world to read them!

    skkorman AT bellsouth DOT net

  52. My skulls idea of luxury is to be able to afford all the jewelry tattoos and body mods I ever wanted!!!

  53. Man, I love that third one!

    My skull's idea of luxury right now would be a week in the mountains somewhere. Any mountains, really.

    velocibadgergirl (at) gmail (dot) com

  54. My skull's idea of luxury is tearing out my kitchen AND master bath and not even thinking about cost....a couple of diamonds in his eye sockets wouldn't hurt either hehehe


  55. my skulls neck!!
    would love the cahnce to win..thanks!!

  56. my skull's luxury? a cup of tea and a big old box of donuts because what the hell, WHO DOESN'T LOVE A FRESH BOX OF BOSTON CREMES?!?! especially when you don't have any lip flesh to get in the way.

    laura marie

  57. My skull's luxury would be to wake up (almost) every day with a peaceful sense of purpose and satisfaction. And.... to have a house cleaner.

  58. My Skull luxury would be to plate my own skull(through a series of plastic surgeries) in a non-corrosive metal (Iridium)-- absolutely unnecessary, but would be a luxury because my head would finally have value.

  59. My skull's luxury would be a four post bed with a myriad of pillows, a good book and a strong coffee.

  60. My skull's idea of luxury would be a nice little island or caye in the tropics with one hammock in the sun and one in the shade. A mosquito net and a fire pit to round it out, and I would be happy for a very long time.

  61. My skull's idea of luxury is having super secret bling embedded in it for eternity (21 Titanium screws and 4 Titanium plates)!!! Oh wait, it already has that :)

  62. My skull's luxury would be to eat a bacon-wrapped scallop while sipping on a spicy bloody mary

  63. My skull's idea of luxury is to be drinking a margarita on the rocks while laying on a beach on Isla Mujeres! Oh yeah bay-bee!

  64. My skull would like to take an all expenses paid trip to Europe. Dine on the finest foods and lounge in the countryside.

    Wonderful skull art, love it!

    floatinglotusbw @

  65. Skull Luxury. A motorcycle. Chopped. Bobbed. Slammed. Oh yeah. A long weekend with nowhere to go and days to get there.

    And beer. My skull's gotta have beer.

  66. Cranial luxury= a huge, completely outfitted art studio with all the time and materials I could ever want, a great view, a place to swim, meals cooked for me everyday with lots of coffee, chocolate and drinks!

  67. my skulls idea of luxury would be to be able to shop on a whim at place like goodart ! maybe a leica and amazing bedding to boot!

  68. My skulls idea of luxury?.....wall to wall wired house inside & out to enjoy music all motivate sooth & keep me positive :)

  69. My skull's idea luxury would be to live someplace warm where my job would be to ride motorcycle by day and be fanned and fed grapes (roman emperor style) by pretty girls by night. Who knows what makes having girls feed you grapes so luxurious, but I'd like to find out!

  70. I too would by a motorcycle. A nice old school bobber with pipes so loud they set off car alarms and scare small children. Of course the customer paint would feature skulls and flames!

  71. Cranial luxury for me would be to have Van Gogh's "Starry Night" and admire and dream about it in my beachfront New Zealand home. Add in a Faberge egg and that would be too sweet.

  72. My skull would chill out all day in the sun, and listen to the wind whistle through its bones.
