Monday, June 4, 2012

Sugar Skull Cookies

Today is Skull Appreciation Day. A great way to celebrate is with some festive cookies. Heather Walker said "I work at a workers’ co-operative grocery store in Stratford, Ontario and recently we’ve made sugar skull sugar cookies!" Their baker Katelyn made the cookies.

Sugar skull cookies are great for celebrating Dia de los Muertos, and delicious any time. I hope a few of you make some skull cookies, or skull art in celebration of Skull Appreciation Day 2012. If you are in the Philadelphia, PA area, please come by The Mutter Museum TODAY! The Skull-A-Day editors will be there from 10am - 5pm exhibiting over 50 pieces of skull art from last year's event, plus all the skull mail art you wonderful people have sent to The Mutter Museum! Though, I might sneak off for a cookie at some point today...hopefully a sugar skull cookie.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks! You've given me some great cookie ideas! Gingerbread mean decorated as skeletons with flowers etc would be great too!
