Friday, July 13, 2012

A Pair of Skull Creations

Artist Lisa Vollrath of Ten Two Studios sent us a pair of Skull projects that she has completed.  The first is a sheet of sugar skulls that she designed. Followed by a winged tin shrine she made out of the base of an Altoids container.

Memorial C says:

A truly fitting tribute for that which you have remembered with your work.  I am quite impressed with your winged shrine, knowing the size of an Altoids package, you were able to pack so much detain in such a small area. The sugar Skull sheet reminds me of playing cards and with the natural looking pairing of designs I could see them easily for sale as Bridge packs. Thank you for submitting your art work for us to share.


  1. WOW! Both are fantastic but the Altoid tins are just fantastic beyond words.

  2. love,love,love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
