Thursday, October 25, 2012

[CONTEST] Win an Akumu Ink 'Mad Hatter' Skull Shirt

This contest has ended. Thanks to everyone who participated and for the excellent comments.

"Why is a raven like a writing desk?" If you don't know either then it doesn't matter. You don't have to have the right answer to enter our newest giveaway for this skullified Mad Hatter t-shirt from Akumu Ink.  All you need to know is that 'Akumu' is the Japanese word for 'nightmare' and most everything they offer is nightmare inspired and perfect for our particular audience.  These shirts are soft and comfy with badass designs that you will want to "Wear To Death".  Let's all enjoy this tea party as we roll into this last week of counting down to Halloween.

PRIZE INFO: One (1) tea party lovin' Mad Hatter designed shirt in your choice of size.  Don't worry, ladies, they also offer a woman's cut tee for our female readers.  You can see that version here.

HOW TO ENTER: Leave a comment below telling us the craziest person you would have a tea party with.  And no, you cannot answer the Mad Hatter, that's too obvious.

CONTACT INFO: If you win, we need to contact you. With your comment, please include your email, or make sure your Blogger profile has a working email link for you on it. Entries are only valid with this information.

WHERE TO ENTER: All entries must be made on this blog post, on You can NOT enter this contest by commenting on Facebook, Twitter, or Google+.

CONTEST CLOSES: 11:59:59 PM Eastern Daylight Time Wednesday, October 31st.


PRIZE SHIPS: This contest is open to all skull lovers around the world.  Be the first one in your neighborhood to own this sweet shirt no matter where you live.

IF YOU DON'T WIN: You can always make yourself feel like a winner by purchasing your own Mad Hatter tee or any of the other awesome designs in the Akumu Ink store.  Right now you can receive 20% off of your order by using the promo code "SKULL20".  Thanks again for the killer giveaway and discount to our readers, Aldora and Joey!


  1. I'd like to have a tea party with Ozzy, Alice Cooper and Rob Zombie... While they are all in character!

  2. I would like to have a tea party with Lizzy Borden, It would be interesting to have an oppertunity to pick her brain...actually at this point I would need a medium to have this tea party but just imagine how nightmarishly interesting that would be.

  3. I would have a tea party with Vermin Supreme-

    Taken from Wikipedia-

    Vermin Love Supreme is an American performance artist,anarchist and activist who is known for running as an alternative candidate in various local, state, and national elections in the United States.

    Supreme is known for wearing a boot shaped hat and carrying a large toothbrush. He claims that if elected President of the United States, he will pass a law requiring people to brush their teeth. He also campaigned in 2012 on a platform of zombie apocalypse awareness (and zombie-based energy plan) and time travel research, and he promises a free pony for every American.

    Imagine the conversation at that tea party...

  4. Christopher Walken would make a fantastic tea party guest.

  5. A tea party with Carlton Mellick iii would be fun!

  6. I'd like to have a tea party with Cindi Lauper and Helena Bonham Carter, because I think they're both just a little bit mad.

  7. I would have area party with Vincent Price

  8. I'd love to have a tea party with Liz Lemon (Tina Fey), Tracy Jordan (Tracy Morgan), Kenneth Parcell (Jack McBrayer), and Jack Donaghy (Alec Baldwin) from "30 Rock."

    Of course, they would have to remain in character for the duration.


  9. I'd take tea with the Inklings, which included J.R.R Tolkien and C.S. Lewis.

  10. I'd have afternoon tea with my grandmother one more time...She was scottish and had tea every afternoon between 3:30 and 4:30, with a lovely pot of tea and some biscuit or scone. She used to invite my friends, and at first I was embarrassed, but my friends loved it! What's not to love about a bit of friendship,some caffeine and yummies?

  11. I would have a tea party with the remainder of Black Sabbath

  12. I think I'd like to have tea with Neil Gaiman, author of American Gods, Coraline & a host of other things, and his wife, singer/songwriter/force-of-nature, Amanda Palmer.

  13. Grigori Rasputin

  14. Hmmm Kevin Smith or Wil Wheaton...oooooh both just to see how they interact with each other!

  15. My four cousins, Shannon, Erin, Bridget, and Kris.
    They make me laugh so much My guts hurt.

  16. i would really like to have tea with terry pratchett, author of the discworld series.
    he's not crazy, but what an imagination! he has a brilliant mind.

  17. A mad tea party isn't a mad tea party without the Cenobites.
    Each one, would be a unique conversation experience.

    ... it'd also be interesting to know if Pinhead likes his tea with cream or sugar... might just be tears and a drop of suffering.

    My email:

  18. If it has to be someone who is alive it would have to be Johnny Depp, I think he is a very interesting individual. If it could be anyone alive or dead it would be Edgar A. Poe, without a shadow of a doubt!

  19. i would like to have tea with the joker.and ask him why so serious

  20. Of fictional characters: Fire Nation Princess Azula, from Avatar: The Last Airbender. Machiavellian manipulator and badass villain extraordinaire--and only fourteen! Oh, and also totally unhinged. That too.

    Of real people: Virginia Woolf. What a lovely person to have tea with. I would love to hear her talk about--well, anything, if we're being honest.

  21. Poe
    John Bergin (
    Wim Delvoye (
    Beksinski (
    Steven Arnold (

  22. Shirley Manson from Garbage; she would make an awesome mad tea party guest!

  23. That is a difficult question. Some invitees: Edgar Allen Poe, Alaister Crowley, Arthur Conan Dolye, Frieda Kahlo, Sylvia Plath, William S. Burroughs. Wolfgang Amadeus....he has always intrigued me.

  24. oops the other links links no longer work for beskinski, you can see examples here

  25. I'd have a tea party with Edgar Allan Poe, Neil Gaiman, Johnny Depp and Wednesday Addams.
    Or simply with myself. I'm crazy enough for two, and then some...

  26. Charlemagne and Nostradamus.

  27. I'd like to have a real british tea party with Keith Moon and Louis Molloy! And maybe with Mary Mallon too...

  28. Hannibal Lector and Honey Boo boo.
    If he didn't kill himself first, I wonder if he could bring himself to consume her.

  29. Maybe a mad tea party with some off-kilter if not outright insane Victorian artists like some of the pre-Raphaelite crew, Richard Dadd or even pioneer photographer Eadweard Muybridge. (Given that Dadd & Muybridge were both murderers as well, I'm not sure how safe this gathering would be!)

  30. My tea party guest would be Marie Laveau.

  31. I would like to have a tea party with the villains from Stephen King's novels. They are plenty crazy and evil, but always with reason and purpose.

  32. For me, Tim Burton or maybe Charles Addams.

  33. I would like to have a tea party with the villains from Stephen King's novels. They are plenty crazy and evil, but always with reason and purpose.

    (reposted just in case my blogger id doesn't have a clear link to my email.)

  34. Crazy or Creepy?:) Ha! Yes...I think Christopher Walken would be right up there for both and I love Neil Gaiman!

  35. Johnny Depp, with or without the mad hatter costume ;)

  36. Johnny Depp, with or without the Mad Hatter makeup

  37. I would love to have a tea party with some of my scientific heroes, not only were they geniuses and inspire me to go to work everyday but most of them were batshit crazy.

    Specifically Nikola Tesla or Marie Curie or Louis Pasteur or Rosalind Franklin

  38. I would love to have a tea party with Kurt Cobain and Edgar Allen Poe.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Helena Bonham Carter and Alfred Hitchcock, after all we all go a little mad sometimes =)

  41. I'd tea-party is up with the late (but presumably alive for this hypothetical situation) Dr. Hunter S Thompson. Of course, having tea would be just the beginning..

  42. I would have tea with members of Metallica!!!!

  43. I'd like to have a tea party with the Dalai Lama. I'll bet he's got some good jokes.

  44. I'd like to tea party with the Dalai Lama. I'll bet he's got some good jokes.

  45. I would have to say the master of all things "wierd" The surrealist master Salvador Dali

  46. I think Emo Philips and Alice Cooper would make for a lively afternoon of conversation and Earl Gray.

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. H.P Lovecraft and Phillip K. Dick would be my guests. We could converse about Gnostic Christianity and the Necronomicon while gnawing on blueberry pop tarts.

  49. Oh my, this is a hard one. So many mad people I want to have tea with!
    Edgar Allan Poe, Alfred Hitchcock, Edward Gorey, Douglas Adams, Tim Burton, the list goes on. But if I had to pick one, it would be Leonardo Da Vinci, that man was so mad! I would just love to pick his brain and listen to him talk about the world and his inventions. Plus I would have to ask if that was him dressed like a woman in the Mona Lisa!

  50. Oh my, this is a hard one. So many mad people I want to have tea with!
    Edgar Allan Poe, Alfred Hitchcock, Edward Gorey, Douglas Adams, Tim Burton, the list goes on. But if I had to pick one, it would be Leonardo Da Vinci, that man was so mad! I would just love to pick his brain and listen to him talk about the world and his inventions. Plus I would have to ask if that was him dressed like a woman in the Mona Lisa!

  51. Oh my, this is a hard one. So many mad people I want to have tea with!
    Edgar Allan Poe, Alfred Hitchcock, Edward Gorey, Douglas Adams, Tim Burton, the list goes on. But if I had to pick one, it would be Leonardo Da Vinci, that man was so mad! I would just love to pick his brain and listen to him talk about the world and his inventions. Plus I would have to ask if that was him dressed like a woman in the Mona Lisa!

  52. Oh my, this is a hard one. So many mad people I want to have tea with!
    Edgar Allan Poe, Alfred Hitchcock, Edward Gorey, Douglas Adams, Tim Burton, the list goes on. But if I had to pick one, it would be Leonardo Da Vinci, that man was so mad! I would just love to pick his brain and listen to him talk about the world and his inventions. Plus I would have to ask if that was him dressed like a woman in the Mona Lisa!

  53. I'd love to have tea with Terry Pratchett--his books have such a quirky humor that tickle my sense of ridiculous!

  54. Tim Burton, Roman Dirge, Jhonan Vasquez and Brian Froud. How can you wrong with the likes of Lenore, Invader Zim and some of the darkest faeries ever created?

  55. I'd have a tea party with Minnesota representative Michelle Bachmann. Then I'd need a stiff drink and a long nap. And perhaps shock therapy.

  56. I'd have tea with Charles Bronson 8{D

    Cynthia Campos

  57. Dorothy Parker. I've got nothing nice to say about anybody, either.

  58. I would have a tea party with Hunter S. Thompson if he was still alive. But I'm pretty sure he would spike the tea with something, but talk about interesting conversation.

    Deidre Christopher :

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. Salvador Dali, Francisco Goya, and Hieronymus Bosch.

  61. I'd like to have a tea party with Dwayne Johnson, Jon Stewart and Christopher Walken. They aren't crazy but the conversation sure would be!

  62. tea party special guest would have to be....the characters from the Black Dagger Brotherhood. All of them. But if I could only have one, it would be Vishous.

    For "real" people I would have to say Georgia O'Keeffe. Queen of Skull Art!

  63. I would have tea with Burton, Bonham, Depp and Walken.. then sit back and listen as they talk among themselves.

  64. Goody goody gum drops a tea party. I would invite Charles Bukowski, Lilith the Demoness, God and The Devil (conflicting points of view here should liven things up) and last but not least Scarygirl to keep order.

    No party games though, there would be too much cheating...

  65. I'm afraid I am the craziest person I know, and if I have one more conversation with myself over tea, I shall never be released

  66. If I had the powers of Bill and Ted (Excellent Adventure), I would go back in time and collect Vlad the Impaler, Mama Cass, Edgar Allan Poe, Rasputin, Nixon and about a dozen others. It would be a costume tea party and most likely turn into a food fight. That would be radical. Party on dudes.

  67. Definitely Helena Bonham Carter and/or Tim Burton!

  68. I would have a tea party with John Waters. As a longtime resident of Baltimore, I can't imagine anyone more fun.

  69. Any one person alone wouldn't cut it... it's a tea 'party' after all... no, you'd have to do combos to get the most crazy... like Jim Carrey and Robin Williams ... or Bruce Campbell and ... Whoopee Goldberg.. oh gods... why did THAT combo pop into my head? lol

  70. Tea with the late Lux Interior...
