Monday, April 1, 2013

[CONTEST] Win a Human Skull

APRIL FOOLS! I found this lovely skull on National Geographic, this morning. It was photographed by Ira Block. According to the description it is "of Liujiang man, a Homo sapiens sapiens." and was found in "Tongtianyan, Guangxi Autonomous Region, People's Republic of China." Thank you to everyone that played along. I enjoyed reading your responses. If you are interested in your own human skull or reproduction, visit the companies at the bottom of this post.

Noah recently had an office built in his backyard, to make more room inside his house for other things. While the office was being constructed, the workers found a surprise buried, a human skull. Now, he's gone through the proper measures to make sure having it is legal. Since he already has one in his collection of oddities, we thought this found one would be a special thing to giveaway to one lucky Skull-A-Day fan!

PRIZE INFO: One authenticated human skull with accompanying paper work.

HOW TO ENTER: Leave a comment below telling us what is the weirdest thing you've ever dug up. For example, I've found several moonshine jars and arrowheads in a friend's backyard.

CONTACT INFO: The winner, chosen at random, will be contacted via email by one of the Skull-A-Day editors within 7 days of the end of the contest. If that winner doesn't respond, another winner will be chosen. With your comment, please INCLUDE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS!!! Entries are only valid with this information.

WHERE TO ENTER: All entries must be made on this blog post, on You CANNOT enter this contest by commenting on Facebook, Twitter, or Google+.

CONTEST CLOSES: 11:59:59 PM Eastern USA Time Friday, April 5th, 2013.


PRIZE SHIPS: This contest is open to all skull lovers around the world.

IF YOU DON'T WIN: Since this is a one of kind thing, I suggest contacting the people at Obscura Antiques and Oddities in New York, NY for a real one. Another great alternative is Skulls Unlimited International, which makes great reproductions!


  1. I'm not sure if this counts, but at my forensic anthropology field school we dug up two matching silk thongs, which were attached to two skeletons :) If that doesn't count my husband and I found a load of 8track tapes and 6 pack of Billy Beer under my cousin's shed!

  2. There was an empty plot near the place I lived as a child-- right near train tracks. It was a barren area surrounded by residential houses on one side, and industrial company offices on the other; it wasn't the sort of place you'd imagine once had a body of water. Surely, though, when I was digging around as children do for no reason, I found a rock that had a perfect imprint of a tiny shell. Admittedly, it wasn't weird-- but it blew my tiny little mind that a huge body of water was once there.

  3. i found wildboar ribs and teeth blue-green coloured by copper while diggingin a farm in Sparta,Greece.

  4. So hope this isn't an April Fools, because it oozes awesome. Found a primitive clay mug when my brothers and I made an underground playhouse. Gave it to my mom for mother's day.

    I have an odd item to match this skull- a buried grave marker- found under an azalea bush. I could not find out if this was a cemetery maybe we are on one!- but WILLIE remains on the high shelf! He needs his head- and that will be so wonderful as he will be surrounded with crystal, tiger eye carved skulls.
    I adore the oddities show- I mean adorable EDGAR! I keep them on my DVR! The 3 main people are treasures!

  6. When I was younger my brother and I found a petrified gopher on a construction site.

  7. I dug up 65 million year old fossils in a creekbed and have unearthed coins, toys and jewelry on the beaches with my metal detectors

  8. A story my Grandmother told me:
    When I was about 4 years old, I was visiting my Grandmother's house in Virginia. One day my Grandmother saw me playing at the base of her old apple tree...

    Grandmother: What are you doing, Suzie Q?
    Me: Digging...
    Grandmother: What are you digging for?
    Me: Snails... *holds up a handful of slimy snails*
    Grandmother: *almost faints*

    And I've been digging things up ever since! Nothing terribly unusual though, mostly creepy crawlies like grubs, worms, and such. But occasionally I'll find bones of small creatures. :D

  9. Weirdest thing I ever dug up huh? Was working on a prehistoric archeological dig on the James River back in the mid '80's. Was digging what would later turn out to be a mass burial ground. The body I was digging was a tad unusual; it had the upper torso of an adult male, and the lower torso of some kind of canine!!!
    True Story !!!
    ~ Jay Butler ~

  10. When I was a kid, I dug up a 2" shark tooth in my backyard in suburban Pennsylvania...a bit of a swim in from the coast...

    sarah at LWmarketing dot com

  11. I found a trilobite in my backyard as a kid. Sorry, that's all I got...

  12. I don't believe you really unearthed an extra skull & would give it away....
    but just for shigles!

    unearthing my former cat to re-articulate the bones would be the weirdest....

  13. When I was about 12 or so, a friend and I were digging in a corn field as you did at that age in Minnesota when we dug up a old wooden box. We were so excited as we were sure it would be filled to the brim with money or some amazing treasure. But alas it was empty. What I always found weird was why would someone bury a completely empty box?

  14. This has to be an April Fools Joke. I would never give that away!!

    Weirdest thing I ever dug up?? My ex! Just kidding, she is still buried somewhere and I am not telling where!

  15. HAHA -
    Asking people to publicly post their email address is a little rude too, don't you think?

  16. I found a mummified cat corpse under an indoor stairway that I had to remove and rebuild. The person who lives there told me he's been there for 27 years and has never lost a pet. The house was originally built in the late 1800's.
    cverdi09 at gmail dot com

  17. I live in western utah and was using a metal detector and found a rusty old revolver. When I pulled it from the ground my mother started freaking out saying she saw an episode on MASH where they dug ammo up and it was exsplosive!!!! LOL, I think it was so rusted up there were no worries. I have always wished I knew the story behind that old gun.

  18. I once found an old dumpsite, and spent days digging through it. I found an old skeleton key, baby shoes, and a neat little perfume bottle. Jenn

  19. The strangest thing I've ever dug up was when I was 14. My godfather and I were digging for fun on his property and we found a bottle that had a note in it. We shattered the bottle and for some crazy reason we could still make out the lettering. It was from a man looking for his old home. Apparently he used to live in the area , BUT as we read on we thought it was where we were and it was in another state!

  20. the weirdest thing i've ever dug up is a bag filled with
    block notes
    2 books
    1 magazine
    pencil case
    polystyrene case
    stanley ruler 5m
    digital camera - no card inside
    4 batteries
    mp3 player
    toothbrush and toothpaste
    black crayon
    2 pilot gt tech 500
    1 victorinox knife
    2 moleskine
    2 baggu bag
    many keys
    hand cream
    2 lip balm
    train time table
    yellow post it
    1 chestnut
    2 plastic bag
    3 usb key

