Monday, April 22, 2013

[CONTEST] Win a SATURNS EP Prizepack

THIS CONTEST IS CLOSED! Thanks for participating!

SATURNS is an electro-pop band from Toronto, Canada. They have a 4 track EP featuring their brand of dreamscape music. Their mascot, which travels with them, is a giant pink skull. They want to share their music with the world. We're big fans of great music and skulls here at Skull-A-Day. To help share their music, they are giving away an EP Prizepack to one lucky Skull-A-Day fan!

The EP

A t-shirt

Buttons and Stickers

"SATURNS is Toronto cousins Lukas Cheung and Bryan Sutherland whose collective creativity emerged spontaneously over a weekend, days before moving out of a cat ridden house. Using two dysfunctional laptops and one broken synthesizer they sculpted beats late into the night and upon playback at sunrise, agreed to pursue the partnership -- both are allergic to cats.
Their melodic debut may disguise them as electro-pop but their lyrics spell a different story. The EP explores themes of dream travel and escapism in a fashion that sculpts a world entirely their own. The opening track DIAMONDE constructs a fantasy palace which lures those who lust after riches to their own demise. "Diamond doorsteps stay the same as the warriors decay, scriptures peeling off the walls, there's no echo in these halls". The Zen-like metaphors may leave some listeners scratching their heads, but the catchy melodies will balance out the experience."

You can find out what the band is up to on their Facebook and Twitter pages. You can hear their music on their BandcampLast FM, and YouTube.

You can also hear the EP here.
PRIZE INFO: A SATURNS EP (enclosed in screen printed Envelope), a T-shirt, stickers, buttons, and poster.

HOW TO ENTER: SATURNS takes their pink skull mascot traveling with them. To enter this contest, leave a comment below telling us what adventure you would have with a large pink skull. For example, I might take mine to a fair because it reminds me of cotton candy and those fortune telling machines.

CONTACT INFO: The winner, chosen at random, will be contacted via email by one of the Skull-A-Day editors within 7 days of the end of the contest. If that winner doesn't respond, another winner will be chosen. With your comment, please INCLUDE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS!!! Entries are only valid with this information.

WHERE TO ENTER: All entries must be made on this blog post, on You CANNOT enter this contest by commenting on Facebook, Twitter, or Google+.

CONTEST CLOSES: 11:59:59 PM Eastern USA Time Friday, April 26, 2013.


PRIZE SHIPS: This contest is open to all skull lovers around the world.

IF YOU DON'T WIN: You have SECOND CHANCE to win on their Facebook page. If you like their Facebook page, they will randomly select a second winner from the new likes.


  1. It would be my new driving buddy! We might fall in love on the open road...that happens sometimes.

    amanda dot rachelle dot warren at gmail dot com

  2. I would definitely take a largze pink skull with me to travel to Pátcuaro, Michoacán, México, in the end of October and beginning of November to celebrate el Día de los Muertos, because the way this holiday is celebrated in this area of México is hauntingly beautiful and amazingly moving. ¡Que vivan las calaveras! (Long live skulls!)

  3. Mine would go with need to Burning Man!

  4. THIS IS AMAZING PRIZE- music and art work- I sell jewelry and will hope to offer my skull prize offered soon. In the mean time- being such a fan of this site- random pick Meeeeee!

  5. A cross-country bus trip. The skull could have its own seat.

  6. I would take my big pink skull to work with me and set it up in my classroom next to the big pink pig sculpture. The kids who I teach elementary art would love it.

  7. I would take the pink sucker to work! And I would tell my co-workers that it was a sentient overlord and that it had declared me it's top minion and that I now have the authority to eat whatever I want from the break room fridge!

  8. I would go spelunking with my pink skull strapped to my head with flashlights in each eye socket for a headlamp.

  9. I think I may take my pink skull with me camping. Just she and me...she's a good listener and knows just what I need to hear sometimes...I also have a strong urge to paint or sew her onto the pocket of my favorite blue jeans

  10. I would take it for a hike in the woods for a photoshoot. The album colours would really pop against the dark greens and browns.

  11. I would take him to SDCC and we could cosplay togather! I would dress up as The Punisher and he could be the skull on my shirt

  12. I'd wear it skydiving...that would be awesome.

  13. SATURN will rock my body- mind and I will promote all I can!

  14. My Pink Skull would accompany me to the local gun shows and the range, both areas are in a serious need for pink representation, the skull gives the pink it's punch.

    Leave a Legacy Not a Footprint

  15. My Pink Skull would travel with me to work, Mon-Fri, and then would join me for my weekly happy hour binge Friday nights, where it would socialize alongside my. And I'd tell all em' folks where it originated and how I got it. Nothing beats networking/promoting. PICK ME! (Please) o' (Pretty Pink Please!)

  16. Maybe a trip to outer space? I am infatuated with the planet Saturn and would love some company for the trip!

  17. LUV Saturn !!!I would wear this at astro outreaches..

  18. I would take my large pink skull with me to the Mutter Museum in Philadelphia where we could visit all our smaller white/ivory/gray/parchment-colored skull friends!

  19. I would name my skull Yorick and take it to Scotland, where I would ask David Tennant to reenact his Hamlet with it.
