Wednesday, August 29, 2007

87. Bell Pepper Skull

Carved Organic Bell Pepper (from my CSA: Sprout). I didn't realize it when I was making this, but I guess I subconsciously made this in response to Terry's recent pepper themed Bent Objects post.


  1. That IS a funny coincidence isn't it? Ha!

    People always ask if I eat my characters afterwards. Did this make it into a salad? (or even better, stuff it with hamburger and cheese and bake yourself a skull-pepper)

  2. Actually I don't usually eat bell peppers because my intestines don't seem to like 'em. This one might end up in some pasta sauce or possibly just in the compost heap!

  3. This one makes me hungry, but I think all the ingredients would fall out if you try to stuff it...

    Also, check out my beaded skull I posted today.... I think you'll like it=:)

  4. It would be so cool stuffed w/ something..

    really like this..
    the organic quality gives it such character!

  5. the most delicious of the skulls, in my opinion.

  6. ooO I love this one!

  7. Loving your blog - very original!

    Great pepper *thumbs up*

  8. I really like this one for some reason!

  9. That's a good way to get people to eat healthy... Eat this skull or you'll be one!... Ok, cool, I meant... Uh, yum and creepy ;)
