Sunday, September 30, 2007

119. (Gleaming The) Skull Cube

Papier-mâché and Acrylic (3" x 3" x 3"). A prototype for my entry in the ThinkSmall4 exhibition, which features only work that is 3" x 3" (x 3" if it's sculptural) or smaller. Rather than just do a miniature skull, I wanted to compress one as if it's been squeezed into a cube.

UPDATE: Per request here it is with a Quarter for scale...


  1. Infinite awesomeness!!! Can you take a photo of it with a coin or something for size contrast? Thanks either way. Cheers :)

  2. I dig the stain, and they turned out great!

  3. i've never seen paper mache like *that* before -- cool!

  4. Thank you so much for the GTC reference. And that is one sweet ass skull.
