Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Skull-A-Day on Etsy TV! [UPDATE]

UPDATE: The video will be officially online on next Thursday. I'll repost it as soon as it's up!


  1. Oh my God, you have a face! You are no longer a (brilliant) anonymous internet entity.

  2. I was slightly disappointed that you don't have an actual skull face!

    For skull #365, you should somehow present your own skull. I'm unsure how you achieve this without dying, but you still have a bit of time to think something up.

  3. That was great. You should be on TV more often. Who got the job of winding the lace back onto the cards?

  4. This has to be the coolest blog in my blogroll! I'm so glad I subscribed to this. You're probably the most creative person I know. Keep it up ;)

  5. I'm pretty sure my lady's wedding band is coming from there!

  6. Look how cute you are! I mean, I knew that already but you're even cuter on TV. TV makes everything better.

  7. I agree with mark... Present your own skull for #365 ... how?

  8. I'm getting a "video removed by user" message, darn it.

  9. Aw shucks, thanks everybody!
    Yep real face, normal guy, that's me.
    Definitely need to work on the head x-ray! Hmm, any doctors reading this?
    And yes I'd love to be on TV more, any press agents reading this?

    FYI for those of you who missed the sneak preview, the video will be back up next week when Etsy will feature Skull-A-Day in their newsletter!

    Fin: Your translations are cracking me up. I think that one sounds like it might be in a Native American language.

  10. a)Fin's "word-verification-a-day" entries crack me up. b)yes, I too wondered about the re-winding of the lace & c) hottie, see, I told YOU!

  11. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I got to leave the skull for the Etsy folks to keep or clean up!
