Sunday, October 14, 2007

133. Bubble Wrap Skull

Bubble Wrap and Packing Tape (12"x 10" x 12"). I've been reusing bubble wrap from packages sent to me for a long time, but I've gotten much more then I've sent so it was great to have an excuse to finally use most of it!


  1. I absolutely adore this one. I don't know why. I just do.

  2. at first it looked like ice, which would also be an awesome idea during winter depending on where you live but cool idea anyway.
    and better yet, colored ice

  3. So long as it's not yellow.

    But yeah, it sure does look like matte crystal or ice. Cool.

  4. I'm dying to get my fingers on it and pop it's little brain bubbles

  5. Yeah, I thought it was ice too. How did you form the indentations for the eye sockets and nasal cavity? Please share.

  6. How on earth did you manage not to pop the whole thing... while A. While maneuvering it's creation and B. shear temptation...

  7. I'm completely with gwenhwyfar, this is my favorite skull by far.

    I think the appeal lies in the taboo thought that actually popping skulls between your fingers would be just as satisfying as popping bubble wrap, if it wasn't also murder!

  8. anthony j "" was unable to comment here, so I'm posting his note for him: "...when my girlfriend and i were looking at the bubble wrap skull you did from a few days ago, she commented on how it looked like the head of one of those aliens from that movie "mars attacks"... the movie is from the 90's with jack nicholson and a bunch of other big stars - a funny movie... she just comes up with random stuff like that...well, the face of your bubble wrap skull has some resemblance and the way the plastic takes the form of a brain on top too..." Image HERE

  9. This is brilliant. Digging it.

  10. i love how even though you are created the same thing every day each skull is different.

    you have true talent!
