Monday, May 19, 2008

Hand Skull CONTEST Reminder!

Hey folks, just a reminder that I'm giving away sets of 5 "I [heart] Skulls" stickers (shown above) to the first 10 people that send me their version of (or a variation on) the (Band of The) Hand Skull! These are high quality, 5in x 1.5in [12.7cm x 3.8cm], non-vinyl plastic stickers that are currently not for sale anywhere, so don't delay! Be sure to post the photo to Flickr with the tags "skulladay" and "handskull" and also send it to me attached in an e-mail as well. Good luck!

UPDATE: All the stickers have been given away! Thanks everyone!


  1. I would enter this, but my truck is already adorned with a skulladay sticker, See here:

    Maybe I'll try to submit a hand skull anyway just for fun.

    Come on, people, these stickers rock! (including appropriate fist pump)

  2. Ok, so I entered. It took me all morning. And I'm really not happy with it, but I WANT an I love SkullaDay sticker!! Please Noah, can I have one? lol Take 'er easy.

  3. Be sure to send the actual image to me! The Flickr tages don't always show up right away.
