Saturday, October 11, 2008

It's not a SKULLS book release party until...

Last night was my SKULLS book release party at Fallout in Richmond, Virginia. The evening started out great, there were lots of fun skull-adorned folks and I signed a few books. However, just before it was time for me to judge the skull costume contest my friend dislocated her knee while dancing. We ended up having to take an ambulance ride to the emergency room at 2am. The funny thing is the ambulance driver had just read an article about my book and was very enthusiastic about Skull-A-Day and wanted to know all about it on the ride over! Of course everyone in the emergency room was amused to have a skeleton in their midst. If you're wondering, my friend is feeling OK, though her knee will take a few weeks to heal. I'll post pictures from the party once I get them.

Oh and her make-up is based on the fantastic work of Sylvia Ji.


  1. Wow! I'm glad that there's no lasting damage done. For what it's worth, she looked fantastic!

  2. Sorry to hear about your friend but relieved she'll be okay.

    The book is fantastic! I love it!

  3. Poor wounded skeleton! I hope she feels better soon!

  4. Other than the knee incident, what an excellent party. Though it was kind of awesome that the cops closed down the street for the ambulance. We left with such style!
