Sunday, October 12, 2008

Simulacra Sunday - Round 13

Scherke in Germany, says, "A few weeks ago I was jogging at a lake in our area, and while crossing a bridge I noticed a herd of sheep standing on the meadow below. The sheep stood very close to another, surrounded by a fence, and I thought, that would be a great image, if you could make them form a skull. The next time I crossed the bridge I couldn't believe my eyes: Those animals did what I wished for! So I took a picture with my cellphone (sadly the quality is a bit low) and, because there were no black sheep around, let a shepherd called Photoshop do the rest..."

Eric Helms, says, "I've seen these vans pretty frequently on the streets of San Francisco and thought you might appreciate the likeness they have to a skull. I did some research and found they are called the 'Metro' and were made by International Harvester some time in the 1940s-1950s"...

And Jordan Foudray found this oil stain skull while walking in his hometown of Dayton, Ohio...


  1. Dude! That last one is Jesus! ;)

  2. well, i was Sure someone corralled those black sheep into position. and I thought it took hours and was howls of giddy fun.

    before i realized they were sheep, i thought they were worms. made me think of one of my all time favorite artists and pieces -

    Laura Mappin
