Saturday, July 11, 2009

Skulls From A Land Down Under

Today's post is a special feature starring long time Skull-A-Day contributor, Kim from Australia. She has been contributing since year 1, and even had her hat and mittens shown in Noah's book "Skulls". While we may not have heard from Kim in a while, she hasn't stopped making skulls. So, without further ado, I bring you a few of the skulls from down under:

Applique Skull: Pink cotton drill machine sewn onto black poly-viscose. This is from a skirt I made quite a few years ago.

Felt Skull: White felt glued on black felt.

Porridge Skull: Maple syrup in porridge. I actually made this during the original project. I have no idea why I never sent it in, I think he's cute! He was tasty, too. Nom.

Samara Jumper: Noah's 8 bit skull makes yet another appearance in my knitting, this time for my friend's baby daughter, Samara. She's still too little for the garment, but I'll send action shots once it fits her.

Toy Skull: Looks familiar? My own take on Noah's toy skull from the original project. Same same, but different!

Okay, Kim, now that we know what you're capable of don't hold out on us for so long. We love seeing your stuff and I'm sure there are others out there, like you, who are waiting on submitting their skulls. Well, follow Kim's example and send them in . If you need an idea there is a contest this month so submit an entry and you might even win a prize. Kim, don't forget to pick up your Skull-A-Day Contributors' Union Card here. Keep up the great work!

1 comment:

  1. Just to give credit where due: the felt skull was made for me by my friend Georgia.

    And I had no idea the hat was in the book, that's so awesome! I need to get my hands on a copy somehow.

    Thanks for posting my stuff, guys. I'll try not to wait two years until I send in new stuff. :)
