Sunday, July 12, 2009

Sunday Simulacra - Version 3.6

As skull hunters we are bound to an endless search for skulliness everywhere. Our journey can take us far and wide, or even just a few feet out of our chairs. Let's start today's pilgrimage in Salem, Oregon. Greg tells us, "I work in the health care field taking care of handicapped folks, and the guy that I take care of lives in an older home. I was on my way out into the garage and found this random set of holes drilled into the wood above the door casing so I thought ,"Hey, I actually get to contribute to the cause!"

Good eye for a starting point indoors. As we venture further out doors we find ourselves in Arkansas with our friend Shawn. He found this skull on a nice and dewy morning.

And finally, our pilgrimage this week concludes at what has to be the Kaaba of the skull hunters of the world. Loyal hunter Paul Dilena testifies for us, "On a road trip across the country, a friend and I stopped in Arches National Park in Moab, Utah. Some of the most beautiful scenery in the whole country. We explored lots of the park including an area know as the “Devil's Garden” which is known for its eerie formations and other worldly atmosphere. We took many pictures, and at the end our trip, we were beginning to catalogue and organize the pictures and were shocked to find an unexpected guest in one of the pictures from the Devil's Garden. A very large skull appeared in a rock formation next to me in one of the shots. I sent two version of the photo, one with a outline around the skull image and one without, but there really isn’t any need to point it out. It’s blatantly obvious and veeeerrrryyy creepy. This photo has not been manipulated or altered in anyway. I highly recommend visiting Arches National Park if you are ever in that part of the country and I hope you enjoy my photo".

We thoroughly enjoy seeing all of the skulls that are found amongst us everyday. Perhaps skull lovers everywhere will flock to Arches National Park now to pay homage to the ultimate simulacra monument.

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