Friday, February 12, 2010

Speed of Light Skull

Aaron, from Orange, CA wrote: “Here ya go! I drew this skull with a flashlight using an extended exposure with my camera. ”

Carol Anne C says:

Such an excellent piece of work you have here. I like that we are able to see you in the picture, it gives this such an eerie feeling like you have finally captured that poltergeist on film. We know from the Skullmaster’s 66. Sparkler Skull that it took many more than one attempt to capture a perfect shot. Out of curiosity how many attempts did it take you? No matter how many, Thank You for submitting a photo of your effort to us.


  1. That boggles my mind of how someone can do that with light. So beautiful.

  2. That looks so crisp and clear. Great work.

    Let's not forget about the other long exposure light skull made from Christmas tree lights
