Wednesday, April 28, 2010

[BONUS] The Gift of Skulls - Iron Fist

Just had to give one more shout out to the nice folks at Iron Fist who were kind enough to not only give away a couple of packages of goodies to two of our fans, but also sent a bunch of their items to Skull-A-Day HQ! We always appreciate a skull gift, especially when it's such cool stuff! Of course your fearless (and unpaid) editors Tatman and Citizen Agent will be getting their fair share in thanks. And notice there's some lady stuff in there? Well we'll have an announcement related to that soon...

And hey if you want some of  your own Iron Fist gear, be sure to check out their site and use coupon code SKULLADAY to get 15% OFF your order through May 31!


  1. Me wants the skull boardshorts :)


    In exchange ill send a picture of my Skull Danse Macabre tattoo !!!

