Thursday, April 29, 2010

Holiday Skulls

It is never too early to start thinking about the winter holiday season. Here is a little tool to help you keep track.

Our first contributor Jen wrote: “I made a batch of paper mache skulls for our holiday tree. This is one of my favorites. We'll see if my husband ever lets me decorate the tree by myself again. ” One can find more pictures of decorations here.

Next up is James Robinson at Fire Cat Studios who told us: “This was the ‘angel’ on our x-mas tree. Made from a white glove, black fabric, and part of a clothes hanger.

Tree Trimmer C says:

I really like the idea of a momento mori themed holiday tree especially when those decorations are handmade. Thank you both for submitting your work and Happy Skullidays to one and all.


  1. Love the ornaments, and thanks for the reminder, I'm trying to think 6 months ahead...

    I'm really bummed I'm going to have to miss the virtual lab class today ):

    Here's some of my salt and pepper skulls:

  2. hummmmm skull tree decorations. I might have to decorate my mini trees like that this year. I never buy big ones.
