Friday, September 17, 2010

[Flashback Friday] 223. Recycled Skull Ring

Welcome to another addition of Flashback Friday.** This year the guest editors, Azurafae, Tatman, and myself, Citizen Agent, are taking turns counting down our personal favorite 17 skulls from the Original 365.25 Year. So please join us as we visit the archives and add our additional commentary on some of the original pieces.

#3: 223. Recycled Skull Ring

Matrimony C says:

This piece has all the great elements of many of my favorites from the original project, including a friend’s involvement in execution, creating from a readymade, up-cycling, and industrial design. There is no reason why something like this shouldn't exist on the market for sale it is brilliant in its design and execution.

I have always wondered about the history of this object. How did Noah come to aquire it? Was it personal, family, an estate sale? In order to understand a deeper meaning that may exist with the piece I want to know more about it. I am afraid however, that once given the background more questions may surface and I may end up reading more into it then really is intended. So I leave you with this simple thought. By this point in the project one could say Noah was committed to it, a marriage of sorts and every day for better or for worse we got to see his relationship with skulls and the bond that they formed during the project.

**Flashback Friday was a weekly countdown of the fan selected top 52 skulls of Skull-A-Day 1.o. Each week during year 3.0 The Skullmaster posted the original skull along with some additional commentary in order from lowest to highest rated, with the #1 skull appearing in the last week of year 3.0, all 52 can be found here.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I never knew how personal to get on the site with the project. I liked the idea that people could read into it what they wanted, but at the same time it's nice to get some context. In this case the story is one I just didn't feel comfortable sharing publicly, but I will say though that this piece is probably one of the more meaningful & cathartic ones that I made during my year.
