Thursday, November 11, 2010

Embroidered Skulls

Lois from Jogjakarta, Indonesia send us these little skulls. I will let her explain them. "I made these babies few weeks ago for my DIY line stroberiHITAM. I know I shouldn't send any commercially-produced items (cuz I'm selling some of them), but later on I decided not to sell these babies n will send em as giveaways for my friends. It was a fun project, I can play with so many colors for different skulls, and there are no two same skulls! They came out as key-keepers and brooches. Until today, I only hand em one by one to the trusted ppl who can surely take care of em!"

I love that she passes them on to friends, to be trusted keepers of these little cute skulls. They look like they would make good guardians. I like the creative use of colors and stitching to give each skull individual character. These are adorable and they make me think of children's toys. Many of my friends are pregnant, so I wonder if I can make a baby friendly skull. That reminds me of Noah's Baby Toy Skull. Though I might have baby gifts on the brain, these are excellent for adults too. Especially as key keepers. I would have trouble misplacing my keys with these. These are definitely inspirational, keep up the great work!