Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Knit & Crochet Skulls

First up is Kara York who wrote: “My Momento Mori Scarf is a crochet piece that I designed a while back and thought it would be great for your site. ”

Next is the return of an old friend of the project Michelle Rautis who sent us this knitted skull ornament.

Fallen Back C says:

As the days have become noticeably shorter and a little bit cooler, it is nice to have some visually warming images today. Thank you both for submitting your wonderful art. No matter how many times I see it, I am always in awe by the talent of fiber artists, it takes great power to turn something so linear into the amazing 2-D and 3-D pieces we see.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for featuring my Momento Mori scarf. I am totally blown away!!
