Thursday, April 7, 2011

Skull Photograph

Christophe Dicharry sent us a photo named, "Fruit défendu" ("Forbidden Fruit).

This reminds me of stories of strangers met in dark alleys peddling forbidden "fruits". Dark and alluring are they. Fueled with curiosity and rebellion, you follow them to their liar of wares, only to be tricked and possibly faced with your own death. That which is forbidden is always more attractive than what we are familiar with. The danger and intrigue is fascinating. Though we know there is potential doom, we venture on. This is how some of the greatest discoveries are made. This is also how some of the greatest deaths are made. Sail over the edge, past the horizon. You might return befriending a whale...I mean sea monster.

Skull Appreciation Day Daily Button Giveaway
To be entered in today's drawing to win a button just leave a comment below stating: where a skull might lead you...

IMPORTANT: Don't forget to include a way to contact you (either an e-mail in the post OR make sure your Blogger profile has an e-mail link for you on it).

NOTE: If you're reading this on Facebook, be sure to leave your comment on the original post if you want to be actually entered in the contest


  1. Remember the bouncing dot in singalong tv? I picture a bouncing skull letting me sing along to death metal.

  2. Looking at his outfit, he reminds me of a doctor, and I'm not sure if I want to be operated on!

  3. Waaaaaaay better than the witch in Snow White!

  4. a skull leads to deep thoughts... poor yorick

  5. It is evil masked as good. Maybe the mask we wear, but with a smoking gun, well apple. Beware it's coming. I like it, simple but effective.

  6. an apple a day keeps the doctor away... but not this guy... yikes!
