Wednesday, June 8, 2011

[BONUS] Skull-A-Doll?

After seeing the amazing dolls made by BetsyEtsy for Char.L.Ton of Everything Burger and Gary AKA Freehand Profit on completing their respective 365 projects, I knew I had to have one of my own. I got in touch with Betsy and gave her my info and then last week she & Gary came to Richmond for the Skull Appreciation Day exhibition and surprised me with the finished doll...

I was truly blown away by the level of details she put into it. Starting with a Ken doll base she recreated my hair, goatee, earrings and even my pose from the photo in the back of my book Skulls, where I'm revealing the skull and crossbones tattoo on my stomach. She also exactly replicated the tattoos on my knuckles and wrists. The accessories in the package include my books Skulls, 365: A Daily Creativity Journal, and Unstuck (which comes out this November), as well as the record I recently released for my League of Space Pirates project and even 365 tiny plastic skulls! "Skull-A-Day" is written on the package in my Skullphabet #1 and the image next to it is of the very first skull of the project. The back of the package includes images of several of my skulls and the bottom is signed and numbered (1 of 1!).

Big kudos to Betsy for doing such an amazing job. Be sure to check out the BetsyEtsy shop to see the other great stuff she does.


  1. this is brilliant! you must be so pleased with your "mini-me" :)

  2. Ha, awesome -- totally looks like you!

  3. The level of detail is amazing. She is a true artist. I've never seen dolls like these.

  4. That's pretty cool Dude, very impressed with their customization!

  5. Wow! Aren't you a cutie :D X

  6. Hey, playing with yourself is now totally legit! Woo hoo!

    *Obligatory "playin' with yourself" comment. There, it's done. ;)

  7. Incredible!!! Very impressive and such a great thing to memorialize this time in your life.

  8. I'm seconding every comment on this post. OMG!!

  9. She did a great job! Having your own action figure is a great milestone!

  10. Are you allowed to take it out of the box, or will it ruin the secondary market value for it?

  11. Oh my goodness Ken is gonna be so jealous.

  12. Nikoli, that was funny.

    The attention to detail is amazing. How cool is it to have your own 'action figure'?

  13. Too awesome for words! I love the accompanying paraphernalia, and "100+ poses"... :D

  14. Thanks Noah! :-)

    And thanks so much for all the great comments, everyone! I am blown away by this overwhelming feedback!

    If you are interested in having one made of yourself, feel free to send me a message through Etsy, or through my website and we can discuss!
